Stress-free Life Training
To experience greater health, more energy, and improved emotional and mental clarity to Create a More Meaningful and Fulfilling Life and Career.
The challenge
Indeed, life is continually changing and evolving. This means that from time to time, things just stop existing. Losing a job, ending a marriage, or moving to another place are examples of changes that many people have experienced. We lose out on something important, a big plan collapses, or we are rejected by someone. Eventually, all these life events create tremendous amount of stress in our lives.
Stress may be defined as ‘the reaction that people have to excessive pressure, or other types of demand placed upon them. It arises when they worry that they can’t cope’. As such, it is an increasingly important issue to consider the impact of Stress in the workplace.
A compelling body of evidence has emerged connecting mental and emotional stress to increased health risk. Health care costs in the US now exceed $2 trillion each year. Most costly health expenditures are for stress-related disorders, especially depression.

Big or little, stress affects the body in predictable ways. A typical stress reaction – which most of us experience dozens of times each day — begins a cascade of 1400 biochemical events in your body. If these reactions are left unchecked we age prematurely, our cognitive function is impaired, our energy is drained, and stress has robbed us of effectiveness and clarity. Ever noticed how it can take three or four days of your vacation before you finally feel relaxed? This is because of the build-up of stress chemicals that have been doing their silent damage without our approval. Research indicates that the relentless impact of minor, stressful events may be more damaging to health than one big stressor. In addition, many people don’t even seem to notice their stress. Or they have become so adapted to the daily pressures, irritations and annoyances of life, it starts to feel normal. Yet the small stresses accumulate quickly and we may not realize how much they impair performance and health until the damage has been done.

The solution
Managers need the confidence, understanding, knowledge and practical tools to prevent and reduce work-related stress.
Staff needs an awareness of the signs, effects and causes of stress and the tools to deal with different work/life pressures in a more positive and pro-active way so that they can protect themselves and help others.
Stress management training plays a vital part in improving staff morale; cultivating optimism in the face of adversity and reframing setbacks or rejection into new opportunities; reducing absenteeism and turnover and increasing productivity, so creating conditions for success.
It teaches you how to:
- Listen to what stress is telling you and explore the effects & causes of stress.
- Turn your negative energy draining thoughts into positive, empowering thoughts.
- Develop a constantly positive attitude and protect yourself from negative and stressful influences.
- Empower yourself.
- Master your environment.
- Boost your energy through choice statement.
- Be assertive and achieve your goals.
Stress-free Training offers a package of in-house workshops, seminars and coaching sessions to meet the needs of your organisation, including
Stress Free Living, an enlightening workshop covering the signs and causes of stress and ways to overcome it, including powerful cognitive techniques and relaxation exercises.
Stress Management for Managers/Team Leaders, a comprehensive and practical workshop for managers on how to assess and deal with stressful working conditions and stressed-out workers.
Manage Time for Success! This workshop helps you to discover the time management tools that can help you to gain control of your time & your life…
The skills taught here help you become highly effective, by showing you how to identify and focus on the activities that give you the greatest returns. Doing this will save you time, helping you work smarter, not harder. What’s more, these same techniques help you beat work overload – a key source of stress.
Start with our short time management quiz which will help you to identify the aspects of time management that you need most help. The results will point you to the specific tools you need to use to gain control of your time, and start working efficiently. At the heart of time management is an important shift in focus:
Concentrate on results, not on being busy
Overcoming Anger, an empowering workshop that gives participants the understanding and tools to respond to challenging situations in a more effective, calm and positive way.
Peak Performance Training, five very effective, 90 minute, one-to-one sessions that give trainees the understanding, skills, confidence and insights to be cool, calm and alert. Practical training is carried out through EEG biofeedback equipment: an interesting, latest technology in medicine use not only to treat innumerable diseases safely and painlessly but to enhance performance. Self regulate your physiology, your emotions, your cognition, your intellect and your consciousness.
The Approach
The Stress free approach to training is comprehensive and holistic.
The underlying message is that although stress is abnormal and harmful, it can be prevented and controlled. It can also be seen as a blessing in disguise, a messenger indicating that something in our life needs to change.
The aim is always to enthuse, empower and enable participants to feel more in control of their life and, therefore, be less stressed.
The presentation style is very interactive and participants are given ‘permission’ through the trainer’s example, to openly share and discuss their ideas, feelings and experiences. Through a combination of relaxation techniques, self-assessment questionnaires and working in pairs and small groups, participants are led through a thought-provoking and enjoyable process that has a lasting impact.
Who would benefit from this workshop?
- New teams who need to quickly bond and establish effective ways of interacting
- Teams which have lost their spark and need to become re-energised and re-engaged
- Teams which are functioning well and would like to take their engagement and effectiveness to the next level
- Top teams which need to set the example of positive interaction and high performance to the rest of the organisation

Duration of this course
The Stress Management Course can be tailored as per your needs. It can be run over one full day from 9.00 am to 4.00 pm. Or it can be run over two half-day sessions from 9.00 am to noon or 1.00 pm to 4.00 pm.
About this facility
Mr. Pradeep K S JAGUTPAL, BSc (Psy), PrSC, PThC, NBP.
He is the coordinator of the Academy and Integrated and Sustainable Development, has been conferred the Degree Bachelor of Science with a major in Psychology by Concordia University (USA), graduated in Professional Stress Consultant from American Institute of Natural Sciences (Canada), Professional Therapeutic Counselling (UK) and EEG Biofeedback Practitioner from Synapse Neurofeedback Institute (USA). He completed also the Heart Rate Variability (HRV) course from the Biofeedback Foundation of Europe (BFE) approved by the Psychological Association of Europe. He also successfully completed the Massive online course on Introduction to Sustainable Development in Business and LifeSkills MOOC by Open University of Mauritius and Commonwealth of Learning.
In addition he is also a certified Trainer for Trainers for HIV/AIDS by Baylor International Pediatric AIDS Initiative (BIPAI)/SADC AIDS Network of Nurses and Midwives (SANNAM), USA.
He is a licensed Stress and Well-Being Assessment Provider and Certified HeartMath Practitioner at HeartMath Institute, USA. He is a MQA (Mauritius Qualification Authority) approved Trainer in the field of Stress Management. He is the president of Positive Approach to Total Health (PATH) Association – Mauritius, member of the American Holistic Health Association (USA) and member of the Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback Association (USA). and member of HeartMath Institute (USA). He is the facilitator for the Stress Management Course and Peak Performance Training Programme. He has conducted more than 100 series of Stress Management Seminars for the general public including staff of different institutions, ministries, hotels, socio-cultural groups and students/teachers of secondary schools in Mauritius, Rodrigues Commission of Health & Education and abroad.
Some of the institutions served are as follows:
Tourism Employers Welfare Fund
Hilton Hotel
Touessrok Hotel
Movenpick Resort
Anaihita Resort
Preskil Beach Resort
Heritage Resort
20 Degres Sud Hotel
Sugar Beach Resort
Le Coco Beach Resort
The Residence
Shandrani Hotel
Le Paradis Hotel
Le Mauricia Hotel
Heritage Resort & Spa
Casino De Maurice
Bougainville Hotel
Maradiva Hotel
Apollo Bramwell Hospital
Rodrigues Health & Education Commissions
Mauritius College of the Air (MCA)
Mahatma Gandhi Institute (MGI)
Hong-Kong Shanghai Bank Corporation (HSBC)
Pay Research Bureau (PRB)
Ministry of Youth & Sport
Ministry of Education, Culture and Human Resources
Ministry of Social Security, National Solidarity and Senior Citizens & Reform
Ministry of Women, Child Development and Family Welfare
Ministry of Agriculture
Ministry of Tourism
Apollo Hospital Bangalore (INDIA)
Contact Details:
Charles de Gaulle Street, Curepipe
Tel: 230-6749174
Mob: 230-52590464